What does Valentine's Day look like around the world?
Added: 11.12.2023,
Updated: 12.12.2023,
Today, February 14 - Valentine's Day in Poland. Have you ever wondered how this holiday is celebrated in other countries? Are women also invited to romantic dinners or given flowers on this day? Do hearts and pink teddy bears reign supreme everywhere? Find out how Valentine's Day is celebrated in a few selected countries.

Valentine's Day is a holiday during which women are pampered? Not everywhere.
In Japan, it's the women who have to make some effort, as they are the ones who give the gifts. Teddy bears? Lollipops? Flowers? No. Chocolates. What's more, a sweet gift is not only given to a loved one, but also to family, friends, bosses and co-workers. Hence, in Japan, one can distinguish "giri-choko" chocolates, or chocolates that are given out of obligation. These are the kind of chocolates that are given to colleagues at work, for example.
The second type of chocolates are "Honmei-choko," which are handmade (the obligatory chocolates are bought) heart-shaped treats. In Japan on this day, many young girls gather the courage to confess their feelings to the boy they like.
In Japan, White Day is celebrated on March 13, and on this day men reciprocate to the ladies.
In Italy, the color red is dominant on Valentine's Day. When men give gifts, they must be in shades of this color. Whether the choice is flowers, clothes, jewelry or anything else.
However, there is a much more interesting custom, or rather superstition. In Italy, it is believed that the first man to be seen by an unmarried woman on February 14 will become her husband... This sounds implausible, so the Italians came up with something else. They made a slight amendment, recognizing that at least the future husband of a free woman will resemble the man.
It may seem that in modern times nothing can surprise us anymore... And yet.
In Malaysia, there is a custom of some competition between couples. Loved ones are handcuffed together and thus have to endure with each other for a whole week. The winning couple receives a cash prize for winning the tournament. Above all, however, the competition is a form of proving love between the beloved.
On this day, gifts are given not only to loved ones, but also to parents, friends, colleagues or even teachers. The basic gift is Valentine's Day cards, which are sent to a great many people. It is great for small children and for grandmothers, and for the lady at school.
Women's sweethearts are very often given heart-shaped boxes of chocolates and also the standard red roses.
In the US, Valentine's Day is one of the most popular holidays. So much so that you can find special Valentine's Day lessons at school, and in stores anyone interested can find guides with Valentine's Day tips.

In Scotland, it's a children's holiday. The youngest kids at school make up poems to then drop off to family or friends. Without a signature, of course.
It is also common to hold special parties. Guests at the entrance drop their names into two containers - one for women and one for men. Then a draw is made and completely unknown people are paired up to spend the entire evening together. Apparently, many couples have met through this type of event.
This is a great day to get married. Not only because February 14 is the holiday of lovers and the romantic atmosphere is conducive to the beginning of marriage. In Austria, it is customary for newlyweds to ride in horse-drawn carriages through several main streets in the city. They can enjoy a large audience and many congratulatory wishes.
What's more... the city government also gives them a wedding gift. In the form of a certain amount of money....
Nowadays there is a custom of writing gaekkebrev, or witty letters, by gentlemen. What is important here is the effort put in, as the men themselves make an effort to write something humorous, often written in rhyme. Such poems are sent anonymously, and the task of the ladies is to guess who the addressee of the work is. Girls who succeed in doing so can count on being gifted with extra trinkets, usually something sweet, for Easter.